Friday, August 31, 2012


PhootNotes Hedder

Well here it is another weekend , well almost. While I cain’t start any celebrations until Saturday when the Feds give me that tremendous $50.00 and Idaho relinquishes and replenishes my limited food supply, I will say this.

I want to salute and congratulate ya’ll on defeating or at least getting Warner Brothers to well up and do the right thing.

I can remember something similar during production of the OS. Bo & Luke were not getting their share of merchandising money, so in Hazzard fashion, Bo & Luke walked off the set. Which damn near killed the series. Can you imagine if we as Hazzard Nation would have had the Internet then? There might not have been a Coy and Vance Duke, the Green Monster or the weekly Sheriff parade when Jimmy Best walked off. Thank goodness then as now smarter heads prevailed. The series and the Duke Farm was saved, things got put back to the way it all was and we as fans are better off for it, but ya’ll rallied to the cause.

We emailed, phone called , even threatened to go to the studios front door, to protest the removal of a national icon, and destroying a cultural icon at the same time. Our voices were heard. I’dve hated to have been the guy in charge of damage control on this one. Question is, who at Warner Brothers got a stink up his shaft to convince the higher ups to go to that length. What SOCV or other confederate rally did someone go to to get insulted , then go back to the office thinking, hey I’ll show those rednecks.

First of all, we are not Rednecks, we are more appropriately called Appalachian Americans. Even Confederate patriots but not rednecks.

Second we from the south are not as stupid and uneducated as ya’ll might think, we are just smart enough to live life at a slightly slower and simpler pace, not get lamb-blasted all the dang time by ideals that are so rooted in just making money that its sickening. Whatever happened to serving God, Serving your fellow human, and nation, then serving yourselves? Glad we as the Knytes-of-Anarchy have our priorities straight.

The week started out like shit, first getting a local deputy to come to the house to flush out the varmints that’ve been pestering me, to be told I had to do my own security, even to the point of holding someone at gun point, advice of a DEPUTY, but what happens, you tung and cheek comment about that likewise the reason a Taxi cab company owner gets axed and I’m sitting Wednesday in the Sheriffs office. Reason? Because I mentioned Scott Lynch a big whoop  de do feller here.

Guess what who cares, But still the week was a bitch. Concluded the week, with getting ready to move out of this fly pit greasy motel room that in any other city would be torn down and rebuilt, and move out to the shop.

Now b4 anyone thinks that me living in the shop I’m not going to be active about things for Hazzard Nation, think again. In fact the extra money I’ll have left over means I can be even more active. Sure I’ll miss a few weeks of SOA, but I’ll make up for it. Hey DOH is not on CMT right now so no loss there. After all , I’ve got enough DOH on VCR tape to have my own DOH station.

Plans are simple, fix my rydes up to go long distances, look at all relocation options, relocate April 2013, get my finances in my hands, go from there.

Any mile need to get the day started.

L8R Ya’ll

my blog sigkoa wings proper


Quote of the Day:
I was so hungry I could have eaten a horse. But only pigs were available.
Psalm 95:6-7“Come, let us bow down in worship, let us kneel before the LORD our Maker; for he is our God and we are the people of his pasture, the flock under his care. Today, if only you would hear his voice,”

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Thursday, August 30, 2012

My Knyte Ayre

CCCT HEADERblog cover

This is why more don’t move to Burley and why these kids here are so pissed off.

The day after, being interrogated by the local fuzz , that the entire bird dog pointing was done only because I mentioned to local royalties , I’m beginning to relax some. The fyre under my britches has now began to cool to an even colder ember. Did I give up? No, but thoughts of going towing here are now , lets say postponed, or at least on hiatus until future notice. Mostly, do what I do in building the link for the radio gig, , do work on my rigs, and in a few months even a year from now, whether I’m in Wyoming or Utah , then look at it all. In the meanwhile, build steam under Hazzard County Choppers, move part of that to Utah, and pretty much look to relocating ME out of here while I establish someone to watch over and care over what ever it is that is still in Idaho that needs either my attention or the clubs attention.

Chamber of Commerce, support local business, hire local puss for photo op projects, Piss on it. Get the gals out of Salt Lake, tow on strictly preference requests, build the balls of HCC and the club, but also keeping it all mobile.

The close here.

Whatever forces there are or is, here the fact is the Idaho I left in 1994 was not the one I returned to in 1998. Even the Idaho was decaying but had some threads that seemed able to be re sown. However by 2000 I had exhausted all, but a few dollars of expendiary funds I had, so I moved to Utah in 2002. A club need for a radio broadcast gig in Wyoming required the need for extensive hiring. Considering a radio broadcast school that once was at BSU a lady associate and I ventured forth to Idaho. It was supposed to be a look and see and recruitment op, going to Boise. What it has became is a 10 year horror story, that if I had known then what I know now that little ad for the house in Heyburn, I’d have never acted on. More over just stayed in SLC with Bud and looked into options in Utah.

I didn’t of course, with the fantasy of that the Magic in Magic Valley , was still here. That if you dreamed, and worked hard, you got somewhere. You could make a dream happen. Not be hammered by a population scared shitless of growth, or an outsider, who is not really an outsider(me). Not have dreams and ambitions trampled by law enforcement , thwarted by outside press, who needs this.

To our attorneys, pour it on, sue every gall darn one of em, to the point they are the ones that eat the Raman noodles, not me.

As for me, I placed brain in hover mode, just doing minimal, and fix up my own rigs, with the thoughts of finding this piece of shit town, and area of the state of Idaho, then get my Wolf-Pack out of here.

More L8R

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AYREWOLVES MEGA LOGOkoa wings proper

Quote of the Day:
Bravery is the capacity to perform properly even when scared half to death.
--General Omar Nelson Bradley
Ephesians 2:19“Consequently, you are no longer foreigners and strangers, but fellow citizens with God’s people and also members of his household,”

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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Kicking butt the legal way

eyes on burleyBLOGG COVER HEDDER

As I promised the two deputies this morning , I’m no longer going to contact or email the other press outlets here in Burley. However as the two deputies and I also agreed, if I want to pay for an ad there, at the other papers , I can do that.

I’m done trying to getting a very stuck up local press to do a good or introductive story on the shop, or the club.

So what else do we do? Publish our own paper, written, produced, and financed by us. Take this and all the blogs, put em into a printed mode and publish and sell on the news-stand our publication HazzardAyre.

Likewise, between KDXB FM and all we’ll do our own thing.

So The Voice, Weekly News Journal, Times News, I ain’t bothering ya’ll any more ever, neither will the rest of the Knytes, in fact we’ll boycott your newspapers and not buy even one. Nor none of our members will buy ads from your papers. And like some others, in the past, when a huge news story like this on the removal of the rebel flag by order of Warner Brothers studios that will go into tonight's AP Entertainment section , and you want the point of view from the person and club that is famous in both Idaho and Utah as the voice of all things Dukes-of-Hazzard forget it. The door is closed.

We’ll just kick butt with a better newspaper that all too many here want that you wont publish.

As Cooter says it, Keep it Tween the ditches.

L8R Knytes

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koa wings proper  AYREWOLVES MEGA LOGO

Out of our Anarchy comes valley growth-SpeedWrench



Talk about Yankee oppression, whew!!


So here I am sitting at the Wolf’s Den tending to business, of defending the liberties and all of our southern movement and defending Dixie, when I get a local call from the pd. They wants to see me. What for who knows maybe got a lead on my equipment. So I walk down, seems a few press people finally decided to get serious. Sent the local law copies of the blog, specifically about the demise of the Alpine Motel’ owner.

Okay sure I thought for a long time, that his refusal to take us at HCC on as a partner AFTER I had moved over here from Buhl giving up a lot, was unethical to say the least. But axe the guy? Come on. Sure I had no tears lost, on the news, but I wasn’t nor was the club responsible for his death. Fact is just before I moved to the Powers here I was talking to Russ about moving to his place, glad now I didn’t. Hell they’d have blamed me for sure.

Fact is, and this is my opinion, and belief. In the Mini Cassia area, unless your Mormon, or Hispanic or a combination there of you are not going to be accepted by, this community. Plain and simple,. Sure I sent crap to the local print and other media, about the club that might have lead to thoughts the club and/or I were connected to Russ’ death, but all that was and is, was to get the same local media to get off their lazy six’ and do a POSITIVE story on our club, print up a story on a club that began here with a sorta good Dodge Charger a kid here built, that we as a club, rebuilt. You’d think you could get the local media once to do up a story of the planning of the Hazzard Nationals here. But it’s just like when I was in American Falls, tried to get something in the press there about the club, but no. But I go to Salt Lake City to radio broadcast school, come up to work on the little Kenworth, I was driving, and get hauled off for pulling people over and issuing tickets. Me, and I was 175 miles away, turned out it was another person that through the Power County Sheriff at the time’ son got tickets and was out doing dirty crap to frame me and the club. What did they want? My General Lee. They never got it.

Okay then , the local press there had a field day with that, but how about doing something preventative ? Instead of just finding fault?

What it goes to prove is simple and goes a long the line of what’s going on with our rebel flag on old General Lee, being removed by Warner Brothers. Confederates and Yankees never mix well. Ignorance and arrogance on the subject concerning those differences for many is bliss. The fact is simple; there needs to be more education on the subject, from the other point of view, mainly the Confederate view. Way too many people want to be and remain politically correct, don’t rock the boat, and never under any circumstances piss somebody off, yet its their arrogance, ignorance , and lack of knowledge that retains and continues that battle between the states through to today. The Knytes-of-Anarchy, stands ready to defend Dixie at all costs, but how about the press here, rethinking their place in this. How about the Times News, Weekly Journal, The Voice, just once, JUST once doing an introductive article on the Knytes for what we stand for, so that the local public don’t have a panic, but rather might support.

A hot rod truck club combined with an MC that is an unofficial Dukes-of-Hazzard Fan club. The entire organization is based on things, Dukes-of-Hazzard and Hazzard County, not the Sopranos. Our events BENEFIT people, not put em 9 feet under. If the local press would just do a good story on us and me, then these misunderstandings like I had to go through this morning at the PD, wouldn’t happen.

Some days I do feel like I’m in a fight I can’t win, but I keep trying. Again both Boise and Wyoming is looking REALLY good.

Lunch time.

L8R Ya’ll

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koa wings properAYREWOLVES MEGA LOGO

Quote of the Day:
Give a man a fire and he's warm for a day, but set fire to him and he's warm for the rest of his life.
--Terry Pratchett
Galatians 3:28“There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.”

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Never let it be said that I don’t listen


The theater is quieting down this morning, the anger over the persecution of our Confederate flag is getting even deeper.

CMT , which is owned by Viacom, which owns CBS part of CBS / Warner-Brothers or the CW, decided to pull the Dukes from the TV for the foreseeable future. Which means our job to find the show both in syndication to get a partner station of ours to air it, likewise , get the rights to air the DOH, on Confederate Star TV, is going to be a fever pitch. But the whole thing over one symbol?

Come on now.

33 years the General Lee , Dodge Charger, most likely the most recognized hot rod on the planet, in all nations that have a TV, that Confederate flag expressing Southern Pride and integrity and love of nation, and country, more so than some that look to inspiration from the stars and stripes.

Myself I do not salute the stars and stripes, I just salute my Dixie Flag, but I’m just me, and well the opinion is shared by the Hazzard Knytes, now speaking of the Hazzard Knytes.

There has been much controversy over the upheaval of the club since 2008. We as an entire group from Cooter on down to all of us fans and members of this club, we have some fights in our future. We need to regain some unity. So the membership council decided to put the Knytes-of-Anarchy thing on the shelf, and regain momentum through the Hazzard Knytes as we were originally created as.

I’ll be working on the art work and all, for logoing and all, but we have a duty, not only to and for ourselves but the entire Hazzard Nation.

HNN LOGO 2   HNN LOGO we have a real set of battles. We need to get the series back in front of the public, CMT killed the thing, but that don’t mean that Confederate Star Television or CST could not air it, after all , Confederate star Television was created because of the Dukes of Hazzard.

The last 29 years of my life has been because of the Dukes of Hazzard, my entire vocational enterprise, from the shop, towing service motorcycle shop everything has been built on and because of that vision and foundation of the Dukes-of-Hazzard. The fact that such things as NASCAR a sport built on southern roots has been enhanced by the Dukes-of-Hazzard. The Dukes of Hazzard and in fact the General Lee that is the center of all this fuss a stock car itself, brought a more awareness of NASCAR into homes, made NASCAR mainstream, and now our flag, that has been tarnished by hate groups is being banned? Bullsbreath. Not as long as I have breath. When I needed the Dukes they were there for me, now that the General and the Dukes are in trouble from political zealots, and self righteous hey the first volley of the next civil war has been shot. I’m there for the Dukes and General Lee.

When a gal from Alma’s Facebook page said she couldn’t read these blogs, okay I lightened it up, to be better read.

There will be a meeting this weekend at Knytes Hall to plan our battle here.

This is A Knytes call to ACTION.

More L8R

my blog sig HCCLOGO1


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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

If ya’ll wanted to see shit hit the fan, today would be a good one for it.


I’m so mad tonight I cain’t sit still. The carpetbaggers at Warner Brothers because of the need to bleed to get some ink, and all, decided to put a kill stop on all future Dukes-of-Hazzard toys, especially our confederate flag.

From Cooter all the way to myself and most of the Hazzard Knytes(aka-Knytes-of-Anarchy) are emailing the hell out of warner Brothers info box.

How can any good theater whose billions have been made off of the Dukes and merchandising things, of the Dukes, do such a thing. If you remember it was Warner Brothers greed that got Bo and Luke to walk off set, and they reinstalled Coy and Vance Duke. Thing is this time its not only greed but publicity. Do I think that Warner Brothers is going to put a real squash on the General Lee toys or redoing future films of DOH on hiatus just so the flag don’t fly? No. This is a mere ploy by WB to get some ink for some side show .

If you want proof, go on Facebook, look up sweet Alma’s page. No less that 60 postings so far. Hazzard fans and devotees like myself are nothing to be played with. Cooter is so pissed the thoughts of him coming out west to rattle some network execs chain is not beyond possibilities. If he wants I too will go with Cooter to WB’s studios, to blast their ass, verbally. As well as other ways.

If ya’ll want to read all of this, go to there’s a hyper link there with the story and a petition ya’ll can sign. Here in our Hazzard utopia, we are looking to get some green to run ads on TV and in print. I ain’t asking for green for me, or the club, we are looking for cash to bash the idiots who thought playing such a wild card over our Confederate flag, was a great PC idea. And folks wonder how and why the Knytes have been busting balls to get mainstream media on the history of our southern roots and culture. Ours is one to preserve. Cooter is a member of the SOCV, as well as I am, although the SOCV don’t recognize it, but the fact is the Knytes will fight here along side Cooter and all DOH fans.

I’m going to quit, since the more I write, the madder I get. See you on Wednesday’ HazzardAyre Radio. Postponed tonight because of this event.

Hold on this one’s going to get bumpy.

L8R Ya’ll keep it tween the ditches.

my blog sigkoa wings proper


Quote of the Day:
By and large, language is a tool for concealing the truth.
--George Carlin
John 6:29“Jesus answered, “The work of God is this: to believe in the one he has sent.””

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The flag not PC, WB taking the flag off the General

RODE PATROL HEDDEReyes on america

Have you heard the latest? Warner Brothers Studios who brought us the Dukes, is saying The new General will not have our rebel flag on the roof.

Of course all Dukes fans are in uproar here. Myself included.

How can they possibly do this? The car, our flag is all national icons, more over part of this dang unions heritage, our Confederate heritage. Can we allow this?

Even the sidekick car our General Jackson carries that rebel flag, all of my tow trucks carry that flag in paint not decal on the hoods, I fly that flag at both the shop and home.

This is why there needs to be public education of the meaning of the flag, that our southern flag is not one of hate, but of southern pride and soul.

If you believe as I do, send us here at the Knytes-of-Anarchy whatever money you can so we can get some TV, and print ink time to educate the none knowing public.

More on this over night on HazzardAyre Radio, I’ll have a link to where ya’ll can write and email Warner Brothers to protest.

Keep it tween the ditches,

my blog sigHCCLOGO1

koa wings propercolored logo

Quote of the Day:
The bananas were like that when I got here!
--Humpty Dumpty
John 6:29“Jesus answered, “The work of God is this: to believe in the one he has sent.””

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