Well here tiz Liz, the end of another day. The day marks two events, one partially important as it’s the anniversary of the day this nation got reminded that this Union is very open to attack. That or borders much less our airspace is not as secure as one would imagine it to be, or expect it to be.
9-11-2001 was one of those events that unless you knew someone or knew of someone that was directly involved you might have sluffed it off as just another tragic happening showing the Yankee prehistoric, neanderthaulic mind.
9-11-2001 started off as another day for this big bad wolf, in Goons Ferry Idaho. Was prancing around the house, chasing another bunch of mice as where I lived was over run with the pesky rodents. Had , had some good swine sex, you know the kind of serious animal wyld sex that one gets once a century if that.
So was up to grab some coffee, and went into the home studio, name me a radio announcer that don’t have a home studio and I’ll show you a radio announcer that has no intention of being a radio personality, just a button pusher.
So went into the home studio, and tweaked on the TV, and saw the tragedy.
At first, I couldn’t believe it. NYC perhaps, but the Pentagon getting ran into? How can that happen? Did the guy in Home security at the Pentagon’s intel board go to the head? That intel center can see, monitor and hear a moth flying over the Arizona desert, how could it miss something aimed directly at itself?
So I get a phone call from White Dove a gal I was seeing at the time who also was in charge of our east coast media center which my Nephew Tim, runs as well. The center was inside the 2nd tower. Fortunately both made it out okay, the eastern media center is now in Charlotte , but at the time I just grabbed my fanny, wondering who screwed the pooch?
Some say the whole damn thing was staged by then President Bush, Junior, to warrant going to Iraq to finish what his Dad had started. Hell the guy had just gotten elected a few months earlier. With Apache helicopters just over the bridge in New Jersey, why not just shoot the planes down? True , tragic life lost and all, but a few is better than many. Sometimes ya’ll have to put the many in front of the few or the one.
Of course tonight also is special to us Sons of Anarchy fans, as SAMCRO rydes into action for a 5th season, of which I’ll miss 8 episodes of, but will refreshen after the cable is installed at the Wolf’s Den at SAMCRO MC Idaho HQ here in Burley.
This season puts Jax in charge of SAMCRO. Can he handle it?
Season 4 is out now and ya’ll can bet it’s in my collection come pay day.
Speaking of Pay day.
I have seen many operations in my time, but CTR Payee Services of Blackfoot Idaho has to be one of the squirliest outfits. First someone can’t do math very good. Been short changed since the gal in charge of the outfit, either has lost her mind or has no idea of the specifics of a client. First while an oversight, still costing my cable at a critical juncture in March when the club was just about ready to finalize on KBAR here, then its been me trying to stretch $50.00 each month, plus what I make and while appreciated each month from the club, pulls me up short. But I had thought me moving from Heyburn to the Powers was to save me money, but even at Heyburn I could afford my cell phone. Here its months between, and I had nearly gotten to the point to where, I could go on a contract, get off prepay, so this CTR gal could pay it each month. But I need a $100.00 deposit first. But just ain’t quite had the $100.00 . Missed I don’t know how many toews due to lack of a phone, which at the end zone here means no extra bucks. A week ago, due to lack of funds and no phone, Rick had indicated that a heavy haul run was on the horizon. But no could get ahold of me. Guess what $200.00 blew off like a lid off a pressure cooker. That $200.00 could have paid for a few things. Now been waiting nearly a week, and still no money. Anytime you can’t even get a read on a company on a Google search, its best to be looking at some new company to handle something as important as monthly funds.
I know they have rules and all but hey how about getting me my money>
To answer the question the search is on for another bean counter.
More after SOA.

Quote of the Day:
An adventure is only an inconvenience rightly considered. An inconvenience is only an adventure wrongly considered.
--G.K. Chesterton
Psalm 121:1-2“A song of ascents. I lift up my eyes to the mountains— where does my help come from? My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth.”
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