After nearly two and a half weeks, of withdrawal and nearly nothing that first pinch of skoal on Government pay day is worth its weight in gold. It is a mere albeit a glimmer but a sign that life is healing after an August I’d just as soon forget.
I am still thinking of things both Wyoming as well as Boise and even re-entering Utah for things and of Hazzard. But lets not forget what brought us here for in the first place.
Burley was for all its faults where I found the shell that became the 321st General Lee in stunts, after I got him back he weren’t none too purtty, but some messaging at the real Hazzard County Garage, revenuer tax ID # 55, our General Lee was back into foiling the bad guys, in Idaho any way. He was the grounds that we built the club on and again why the shop was what it was and is. Sure the Hazzard County Garage is now Hazzard County Choppers
and yes some of the same forces we battled against then in the 80’s are still here in the 20th Century. Idaho has yet to find the 21st century. Then I weren’t loved by the local law and that ain’t changed much. But why let them win? After long enough , if LexiBelle,
is up to code, and we do enough public education and promotion on both the shop and tow service, if they don’t put us on the local law call out list, we go to the County Commissioners and then to court. I also remember we eventually went to the state highway patrol then to get tow calls. Eventually people will request us. After all if we’re doing hook ups for $60.00 plus $1.50 a mile, when the rest in these parts are doing it for a minimum of a $150.00 hook up , plus $3.00 a mile, who do you think these people are going to want to call.
As far as beating someone up, bullsbreath, I don’t plan on instigating that, but I wont back down neither. In fact I’ll bet money that the only reason I even got called on the carpet was the fact I insulted one of the local heavy weights and the local Sheriff. And it weren’t even the Sheriff I was pissed at. It was the , being put off by the local law , doing things the right way , from now on, someone goes to the shop and mess’ with stuff, A; I’ll be living there so I’ll know first hand and two, a ball bat up side their pee pickin head will thwart that effort.
On looking beyond Cassia and Minidoka County. Bet your ass. But lets do it methodically. Look before we go after the prey. Not just go with our tail between our legs.
The list goes on, but the real Robert E Lee, never knew the meaning of retreat, neither does the Hazzard Knytes or Hazzard Nation. We showed that last week when big business tried to muscle in on pushing us on pulling the Dixie flag off of ye ole General Lee, we have as a club won before on so many things.
So what is the difference between the Hazzard Knytes and the Knytes-of-Anarchy? Very little, in fact the Hazzard Knytes is nothing more and certainly not less than the Idaho sub charter of the Knytes-of-Anarchy.
Due to the fires and all the Hazzard County Fair was cancelled for 2012, however, I have heard that the Hazzard County Fair board has rescheduled the event for March 2013.
We are planning a big whoop de do so ya’ll keep reading here for details, in the months to come.
The event is being planned for the original location we as the Hazzard Knytes staged it in 1983 at the Hazzard Fairgrounds in Hazzard Idaho, weather permitting. If not there the Idaho Center near Nampa Idaho.
As I close, I want to say to all my fellow towing pros out there.
If there is any group that gets skid stains in our underwear its us. After all , being able to completely wipe clean after doing our duty, when that phone is ringing and someone can’t wait, means we get off the pot with slightly stinky fingers. Hey got to respond when folks drive off into Hazzard pond.
Catch me Sunday here on the blog, taking the day off going fishing at Hazzard swamp. Magical things happen in Hazzard Swamp.
L8R Ya’ll, Keep it tween the Ditches,
Quote of the Day:
It takes a steady hand to carry a full cup.
Proverbs 22:6“Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.” Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved. |