So I'm sitting in the middle of an on air hour looking for something to fill 15 minutes. So ran a few commercials from our valuable sponsors, then took a trip to find a tune that was used under the old ads for Prestique . No longer available. Guess the lawsuits over the medicine scrubbed that.
Then thought okay go see what is going on with Warbird radio. So logged on. Guess what? Couldn't access the damn thing. Something to do with being on demand. So I was in demand but could not get one squeek.
Thing is, 24/7/365 HazzardAyre or some part of our station and network, is always delivering. Maybe their system was having its period for the month. Maybe it was the hurricane in the gulf who knows, but I can say , through it all HazzardAyre is running bringing you true rebel confederate music and voicing the news and views of Today's Confederacy and southern movement. But here's the TP here. Dixie Broadcasting delivered and so does HazzardAyre.
Like Cooter said, whose laughing now? More over aren't ya'll glad you have HazzardAyre?
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