Monday, August 27, 2012

It’s a shame ain’t it?


It’s truly a shame, price tow chains from two mail order outfits, at $130.00 for a pair, yet my buddy in SLC at RMWS , can sell the same thing for $106.00. Sure gotta go fetch em so ye it might be a bit pricy but to save money I’ll take a day off, fetch my chains, then go snag a brew at Hooters in West Valley.

Sent a email out to some gal that runs promo ads on Facebook, thing is she’s not doing any logo or design work. So the question is, why advertise something ya’ll ain’t got for sale? Test the waters? Jimmini Cricket. Talk about crap on a cracker.

Course I wonder too, is it just us from Hazzard County that are intelligent, and honest with the right set of morals? Was it just us that absorbed those life lessons taught by Jessie Duke? Some say that all was on just TV, but there was an underlying theme teaching the right and wrongs of life. Allowing us to not only dream of life in Hazzard County, but a life like that in Hazzard County. After all it got Cooter elected to Congress. Just wish Cooter would run for President. Crazy C, could knock down the walls of way too much Yankee BS, and bring some sort of balance to Washington DC, heck move the nations capitol to Hazzard.

Can you see , Alma as the 1st Lady ? Can you see both flags of the union on the big pole at the White House, our old glory and our rebel flag under that one. Can you see them removing the Lincoln Memorial and putting up not only a statue of Robert E Lee, but our beloved General Lee, Dodge Charger beside him?

Can you imagine Daisy as Secretary of State? Cletus Hogg Secretary of Defense, Roscoe as Attorney General, Doctor CrabTree of the Hazzard Orphanage as Surgeon General? I can.

This would be a great nation under that congregation. As it is we’ll have to settle, for Mitt. But what if Ray McBerry of Georgia( fame as President.

Yes its truly a shame that is not the way it’ll be.

Talked to a few of our area dragin wagon masters, most are charging well over my small $60.00 a call rate. Plus at minimum $3.00 a mile. I only charge $1.50 per mile one way and that’s if I go out of the area. I say give people a break, they’ll call you more often. Keep it tween the ditches.

L8R Ya’ll

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