Tuesday, August 28, 2012

The flag not PC, WB taking the flag off the General

RODE PATROL HEDDEReyes on america

Have you heard the latest? Warner Brothers Studios who brought us the Dukes, is saying The new General will not have our rebel flag on the roof.

Of course all Dukes fans are in uproar here. Myself included.

How can they possibly do this? The car, our flag is all national icons, more over part of this dang unions heritage, our Confederate heritage. Can we allow this?

Even the sidekick car our General Jackson carries that rebel flag, all of my tow trucks carry that flag in paint not decal on the hoods, I fly that flag at both the shop and home.

This is why there needs to be public education of the meaning of the flag, that our southern flag is not one of hate, but of southern pride and soul.

If you believe as I do, send us here at the Knytes-of-Anarchy whatever money you can so we can get some TV, and print ink time to educate the none knowing public.

More on this over night on HazzardAyre Radio, I’ll have a link to where ya’ll can write and email Warner Brothers to protest.

Keep it tween the ditches,

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Quote of the Day:
The bananas were like that when I got here!
--Humpty Dumpty
John 6:29“Jesus answered, “The work of God is this: to believe in the one he has sent.””

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