Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Talking politics


Many of you already know my opinions and views of our corrupt Union Government. You all know that I’d love to see a major infusion of those who say they support Confederate intervention but do little on the face of serious change or who will risk everything to bring the views of the Southern Movement, and the spirit of the modern Today’s confederacy into public eyes coast to coast.

Many think that the Southern Movement is just of the southern states of this Union. I say Today’s Confederacy is coast to coast. Out west to even what was once considered Yankee territory. But that all said we are in serious trouble only seconded by Greece and China. Our economic, and policies of those who make public decisions are terribly skued. We need new leadership, we need someone who can step up and say no more.

Many think its just the President. The President of this Union, is in charge, but he or she is not alone. From Congress to the Senate, there are all too many making backroom and massage parlor affiliations to the point that no one person even President can fix it all.

I myself have many ideas , but I’m only one person. True many of the Knytes-of-Anarchy and the Hazzard County Knytes march in unison. but even those have their own opinion.

Things like the Government issuing a one time Payment based on need and ability of $500k to $1, million to every American, able to construct and operate a business. To create such enterprise to sustain themselves, buy or build a home, buy a newer more energy efficient vehicle. Those people would then be weaned off of such programs as Social Security and entitlements . Only those with REAL documented health reasons would remain on those programs. Likewise those too elderly or physically and mentally challenged , would be exempt.

The stimulus that was instituted by Obama, was a sham.

Sure many got a infusion of a few hundred dollars, in 2008 when Obama got elected. However those of us captured in the thralls of a failed economic policy of President Bush before Obama who could not keep up with minor expenses let alone back payments for things like Child Support , saw that few hundred bucks go to such payments so we didn’t get anything at all. Fair, no, the only fair there is, is the fare one pays to ride the bus downtown.

Over the next few months we as a nation will watch the fiascos of both the Republican and Democratic parties at their conventions, beller like a cow with a lost calf at us about how they are going to change things. But consider, what that landscape would look like, if there was major ads on TV and in political publications talking of and about the Southern Movement and Today’s Confederacy.

Back in 2008 the Knytes-of-Anarchy tried to get all our members, supporters and such organizations as the Sons Of Confederate Veterans , and to get folks better connected like Ray McBerry at www.dixiebroadcasting.com to contribute , even $10.00 to a political and policy fund to do just that.

If there were ads on say FoX News Channel, MSNBC, CNN, based by the way in Atlanta GA, the message and efforts of the CSP (Confederate-States-Party) and the CNP(Confederate National Party) would be taken seriously.

Nothing motivates TV and Network news more than ad dollars, going into their hands. The squeaky wheel truly gets the grease, but some times there needs to be some grease and oil to get those wheels moving. That is , dollars.

Since 2008 if you ask what have I myself done in regard to this; I have put all but a slim bit of my own enterprise on the back shelf and have been working 72 hour it seems weeks to get the message to those that need to know and educate those who don’t in front of everyone. From educators and teachers in schools, staging rallies, buying ad time in our region, going hungry myself to use my own food money to help the effort.

The Knytes have been working too. But we are only one.

I would ask Ray of www.dixiebroadcasting.com and the Sons-of-Confederate Veterans amongst others involved like www.dixieoutfitters.com to give me a call, at 208-212-9653 , or email me at knytesofanarchy@yahoo.com and pledge some green . We may be too late for the 2012 elections, but if all dig in now we can be at the table for the 2016 elections, maybe back a candidate for President for the CNP or CSP . Sure we might loose, but the message of the Southern Movement and voice of Dixie would be heard.

Sure our effort to buy one tiny AM radio station in Rupert Idaho spoiled at the last minute, but that did not kill the progress of getting radio licenses for a station in Buhl Idaho, as well as one we had to license to the town of Malta/Strevelle Idaho. Which is ran out of Burley here.

But the voice of Dixie is heard.

We as a group are contracting to buy a station out of Emmett Idaho, and Hammett Idaho.

We are building on a buy of a small TV station in Pocatello, as well as a new station in Montpelier Idaho. As far as out of Idaho, we are bidding on channels out of Wendover Utah, and an old license in Wells Nevada.

In short the rise of the flag of Dixie and her sweet voice will be heard AND heard .

I blog and write constantly in HazzardAyre, KnyteAyre and WyldAyre news.

My roots run deep in southern states. The memories of those days and peaceful nights in both Georgia and Alabama give me what little rest I get. I want those memories to be visions and realities of the future, even today. But I can’t do this alone. And to the question, would I step up and run as a candidate for office of and for either the CSP or CNP, the answer is yes. If ya’ll so chose me to do so. None the less we need to be more than just at the table Today’s Confederacy needs to be taking shovels full of the bounty as well. We can do that if you support me and the Southern Confederate Movement. I’m not looking to raise money to pack into my treasure box or line my pocket, I’m looking to change things so that the liberties that so many veterans fought for can be realized. That honor of those who put on a uniform to serve in military branches, can be memorialized and honored. How bad is it, that as a nation send men and women into harms way, only to have those same men and women come home and be faced with humongous debt, homelessness , hunger, and medical conditions only to be told by those sending us out into the battle fields, sorry, there’s little for you we can do. Or be faced with the fact that we come home and can’t even get a copy of our DD214 discharge papers so we can get the so called help for housing, and education. To return home to people who will not give you the time of day , much less buy you a cup of coffee, from radio people like out illustrious Zeb Bell, of KBAR, or press people at the The Voice Newspaper. Saying hey we don’t like bikers. Your images are too racy. Racy? Here is a story for another entry.

That in my next blog.

Think about it, see ya’ll tonight, I’m going on air. But I dare you, use that computer, surf the net, and log onto www.dixiebroadcasting.com hit the listen now icon, hear the messages.

L8R Ya’ll

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Quote of the Day:
Civilization begins with order, grows with liberty, and dies with chaos.
--Will Durant
John 6:29“Jesus answered, “The work of God is this: to believe in the one he has sent.””

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