Sunday, September 2, 2012

Fly Invasion


Putting it mildly the fly problem at the Powers Motel here in  Burley where I hang my hat at least for another month is getting really bad.

I mentioned the situation to the guy managing the place, but to no avail. So I’m off to buy fly strips and spray.

Funny though, my shop is out in the middle of nowhere, yet has no flys, at least this bad.

In my thoughts , flys only congregate when something is filthy, or something is spoiled or dead. Since my food is fresh , my house is clean, so something has died somewhere here.

Mouse? Perhaps although ain’t seen.

Something is needed to be done here.

Let ya’ll know what the outcome is.

Stay tuned.


SpeedWrench SigSPEED1

Quote of the Day:
Show me someone content with mediocrity and I'll show you someone destined for failure.
--Johnetta Cole
Psalm 119:64“The earth is filled with your love, LORD; teach me your decrees.”

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