Thursday, September 6, 2012

So why a show out west?

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Over the last week and a half I saw a resurrection of the fandom of the Hazzard Nation. Cooter through Alma sent out the word of a public relations situation that although on the surface was bad enough showed me that those who are anchored in the legacy of the Dukes-of-Hazzard and all are as strong as ever.

That being grand as it is, events such as Hazzard Homecoming and all are all east of the great divide. We out west who are into things Hazzard are except for small gigs that we in the Hazzard Knytes throw are left out in the cold.

If we want to go to these events, we have to save what monies we can and hope its enough to fly or drive back east, find a room at premium prices, eat at premium prices. Then get inside these events, stand for hours just to see our favorite Dukes characters and stars.

The economy is not that strong for this for many of us that are trying to make it from paycheck to paycheck and from hand to mouth. Homes are underwater,  car payments, not to mention child support, and alimony payments, and those gas prices. Hell we’re looking at least $10,000.00 just to go to events back east like Hazzard Homecoming and other such gigs.

To render this problem a fix, the Hazzard Knytes are busy doing several things.

One is working on a gig we call DukesFest West. A gig that brings what is great about Hazzard Home Coming out west. DukesFest West, is a slight modification to the Hazzard County Nationals. Which was created all the way back to September of 1984 when the event was staged in Hazzard Idaho, to raise money for the Twitchell Family of Hazzard that got burned out of their home and gave them a Christmas.

The Hazzard County Nationals is held every other year at various venues of the Mountain West, in both Idaho, Utah and western Wyoming. As you can imagine its all the things you love about the Dukes, but we bring you into the action. A complete ride show that showcases home grown grass roots built hot rods, tricked out trucks, Harley’s even a few warbird aircraft. Restored farm tractors . Of course there is the food, Southern culture exhibits and all. This is what a Hazzard County Home Coming is all about.

The event DukesFest West is not to compete with Hazzard Home Coming back east, rather enhance it and give those who can’t go back east somewhere to go to celebrate their love of all things Dukes and Hazzard.

Then there is Hazzard County CSA. Hazzard County CSA, was in the planning stage in 1987. Long before Cooter’s Place.

The idea and its back on the planning table is to build an exact duplicate of realistic and structurally intact buildings and all of the original Hazzard that ya’ll saw on the Dukes of Hazzard. While not taking away from Cooter’s Place, Hazzard County CSA, is a place where those that truly want to step into that town that they saw on TV to be able to do just that, step into that town. Walk the same streets that the General screeched around, have a soda at Hazzard Drug store, buy candy at Ruebottoms General Store, and even buy the fuel for their rides from a working Hazzard County Garage. Have a brew at the Boar’s Nest. See a drag race at the Hazzard County Raceway, or watch a snowmobile race in the winter.

At the time of the original conception the property we needed was not available, plus because the club through myself said we’d not try to compete with Ben and all, put the project on hold.

Well the property has become available at a very reasonable price, and while not to compete, think of Hazzard County CSA as Cooter’s Place West.

The bottom line is to give those who can’t afford the price to go to Hazzard events back east and down south a place and way to get up close to their favorite show, the Dukes-of-Hazzard. All from the one organization working year round and since 1982 to preserve the legacy of the Dukes-of-Hazzard, and our Southern Culture.

Stay tuned.

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Quote of the Day:
I was so hungry I could have eaten a horse. But only pigs were available.
John 14:23“Jesus replied, “Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them.”

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